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Monday, April 2, 2012

ArtFest 2012

Orly Acineri and I

Susan Lenart Kazmer (Ika, Amish Girl)

Ahhh, with great pleasure this post is a recap of Artfest 2012, at Fort Worden. Artfest is my idea of alternative arts heaven. This retreat combines a vast array of art workshops. Besides top quality instruction, the compradre linking is over the edge fantastic. I love the evening events: bon fire journaling at the beach, live band celebrations, and most of all show and tell. Wait...I almost forgot all of the dazed sharing in the evenings in the community rooms (or sit-downs in hallways) of our barracks. 

It was great to connect in person with my on-line art tribe. Artists I admire so much, who are so very real, and whose creative gifts inspire me. How can they look just like ordinary folks when they have bedazzled souls? Both Andrea Matus and Michael de Meng have extra-ordinary art gifts, yet we agreed to look for each other at Costco (a US/Canada joke). Carla Sonheim and Jill Berry sharing on rickety chairs in the corner of our dorm hallway was deep and personal. I added another soul sista, bird observer extra-ordinarier, Traci Lyn Huskamp.  I found new Bellingham friends, hugged many a creative soul, and grew artistically through their energy.


Saturday night all these creative artists shared through a show-n-tell what they had made during their workshops. I love this time of sharing. Below you will see some of my eye ticklers:

Stay inspired!!!


  1. Looks like a wonderful weekend Pam! Also, always love seeing your new work- hugs

  2. Pam, so lovely seeing you at Artfest....will definitely look for you at Costco ;)
